Back Pain Specialist Singapore

Dr Bryan Tan, orthopaedic surgeon in Singapore.
Dr. Bryan Tan


Back pain is one of the most common medical problems amongst people of all ages and typically occurs due to poor posture, injury, structural abnormalities or underlying medical conditions. While back pain can bring significant pain and discomfort, it can generally be treated via non-surgical methods. However, more severe cases may require surgery to alleviate symptoms. It is vital to understand your symptoms and seek medical treatment as soon as possible, as early diagnosis and management can reduce back pain complications.

What Is Back Pain?

The back is composed of a complex structure of muscles, tendons, ligaments, discs and bones, which work together to provide stability and flexibility to the back. 

Back pain is pain anywhere in the back and may sometimes radiate to the hips, buttocks and legs.

Back pain can affect people of all ages and typically occurs due to direct trauma to the back or spine, structural abnormalities in the spine or underlying medical conditions. 

What Causes Back Pain?​

Common causes of back pain include:

  • Poor sitting posture
  • Muscle strains or overuse of back muscles
  • Injuries or direct blows to the back
  • Slipping and falling hard on the buttocks
  • Ruptured or bulging discs (cushions between the bones or vertebrae in the spine)
  • Diseases and medical conditions such as pancreatitis and kidney problems 

What Are the Symptoms of Back Pain?

Common symptoms of back pain include:

  • Sharp pain that can radiate down the leg
  • A dull, aching sensation in the lower back
  • Muscle stiffness or tightness
  • Inability to stand up straight without pain
  • Decreased mobility

How Is Back Pain Diagnosed?

Your doctor will first perform a physical examination of your back to check for symptoms such as pain or stiffness, as well as test your back and spine’s mobility. A review of your medical history and lifestyle habits may also be conducted.

In addition, your doctor may also perform one or more of the following imaging tests to further determine the cause of your back pain:

  • Blood test
  • Urine test
  • X-ray (show the alignment of bones and check for fractures)
  • CT or MRI scans (assess the discs, muscles, nerves and blood vessels)
  • Bone scan (detect abnormalities in the bone tissue)
  • Nerve conduction studies (test nerve signals)
Is back pain affecting your quality of life, and your ability to perform everyday activities such as working, playing sports and wearing your clothes?
Dr. Tan will assess your symptoms in detail before recommending the right surgical option for your specific injury.

How Is Back Pain Treated?​

Common treatment methods include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Warm compression
  • Taking pain relievers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as naproxen or ibuprofen
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Sedative medications
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Opioids such as oxycodone (OxyContin)

Surgery to treat back pain is generally recommended for those with structural abnormalities that have not responded well to non-surgical treatment such as medication or therapy. Alternatively, surgery is also effective for people with severe and constant back pain due to nerve compressions, spinal cord compression or identifiable structural abnormalities.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Is back pain serious? When should I visit a doctor?

What increases the risks of back pain?

How to prevent back pain?

Billing & Payment

Medisave & Insurance Claims

The following are accredited For Singaporeans, Singapore Permanent Residents and Foreigners. If your insurance is not listed, you will still be able to make claims for eligible procedures! We have experience processing claims from many other various insurance providers. Please contact us if you have any queries.


Embark on Your Road to Recovery With Dr Bryan Tan

OrthoSports: Dr. Bryan Tan's Clinic

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With Dr. Bryan

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Initial Consultation & Diagnosis of your Condition

During your consultation, Dr. Bryan will evaluate your medical history and the pain you are experiencing. You may also ask Dr. Bryan any questions you may have about your condition.

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Treatment & Follow Up Visits With Dr. Bryan

After your consultation with Dr. Bryan, our friendly clinic staff will assist you with your follow-up appointment, and provide you with instructions/information for any prescribed treatment plans from Dr. Bryan.

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